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無(wú)錫沃瑪環(huán)保機械有限公司秉承誠信務(wù)實(shí)、嚴謹創(chuàng )新的開(kāi)拓精神堅持以人為本的科學(xué)發(fā)展觀(guān)點(diǎn),以市場(chǎng)為導向、以氣浮機質(zhì)量為企業(yè)生存的根本!并以完善的管理、優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品、合理的價(jià)格、完善的服務(wù)滿(mǎn)足不同客戶(hù)的要求。以下是氣浮機的處理技術(shù),相信下面的介紹能帶給大家更多的幫助。
   氣浮機是一項優(yōu)良的污水處理技術(shù),設計合理,操作方便、運行經(jīng)濟,它由空氣產(chǎn)生氣泡,直接從廢水中除去固體懸浮物、油脂、膠狀物等雜質(zhì) 。 氣浮機將“微氣泡”直接注入污水中而不需要進(jìn)行溶氣。氣浮機主要由箱體、曝氣機、刮泥系統等組成,不需要壓力溶氣、空壓機和循環(huán)泵等設備.本文由www.wxwoma.com提供
The scientific development view Wuxi woma environmental protection machinery Co. company uphold integrity and pragmatic, rigorous innovation and pioneering spirit of people-oriented, market-oriented, flotation machine quality as a fundamental of business survival! And first-class management, high quality products, reasonable price, first-class services to meet the needs of different customer requirements. The following is the processing technology of flotation machine, believe that it can bring you more help.
Flotation machine is a good wastewater treatment technology, reasonable design, convenient operation, economic operation, it is composed of air bubbles, direct removal of suspended solids, grease, jelly and other impurities from waste water. Flotation machine will "bubble" directly into the water without the need for prior dissolved gas. Flotation machine is mainly composed of a box body, aeration machine, scraping mud system, does not need the pressure dissolved air, air compressor and circulating pump and other equipment

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