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我公司是以生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售、維護氣浮設備為一體的公司,近年來(lái)公司不斷發(fā)展技術(shù)力量,創(chuàng )新生產(chǎn)技術(shù)手段,生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品銷(xiāo)往全國各地,受到客戶(hù)的一致好評,讓大家了解一下氣浮設備的操作規程有哪些。
(4)要保持釋放器的清潔,如果釋放器被堵塞,則會(huì )影響氣浮效果。
Our company is the production, sales, maintenance of air flotation equipment for the whole company, the development of the company technical force is constantly in recent years, technology innovation and production, products are sold throughout the country, by the customer the consistent high praise, today let everyone know about what are the procedures of floatation equipment.
Flotation equipment, including air flotation machine, in the sewage treatment is a kind of commonly used equipment, then its operating procedures, what do we know? According to experts, the main technical parameters, operation, precautions and maintenance, here to introduce these contents.
1 technical parameters
(1) the mechanical reaction, the reaction time is 15 minutes.
(2) flotation zone contact chamber flow rate for 47mm/ seconds, after the separation of 0.46mm/ seconds.
(3) general reflux ratio is 30%, treated water is 0.25 0.4m3/ hours.
2 operation
(1) with good coagulant, and joined the dosing device, start the air compressor compressed air input of dissolved gas.
(2) when the pressure air tank pressure reaches 2 3kg/cm2, start with a single-phase electric water pump motor, and then slowly open the valve, the water input of dissolved gas saturator, but should pay attention to the liquid level gauge.
(3) until the dissolving tank liquid level gauge water level reached 1/3 after the release valve, open the gas dissolved water input reactor.
(4) Regulation of pump valve, the water level maintained at 1/3 - 1/2; adjusting flotation tank drain valve, the water level maintained at discharging port, and then began to normal operation.
3 note
(1) before use, in response to the electrical equipment for a thorough check, check whether it is normal.
(2) to watch the pressure dissolved gas pressure at any time, can not be more than 4kgcm2.
(3) single-phase electric water pump can not be cut off, but not running, so as not to damage the single-phase electric water pump.
(4) to keep the release of clean, if the release is blocked, it will affect the flotation effect.
(5) does not contact with wet hands with a switch, socket, if you need to check, by electrical.
4 maintenance
(1) equipment operation should be run in accordance with the relevant technical operation rules, no violation operation.
(2) to protect the equipment and instrument, where corrosive chemicals, should avoid contact with electrical appliances, metal, in order to avoid corrosion.
(3) after the operation, should be cleaning equipment, to be used again. Flotation equipment more knowledge please login: www.wxwoma.com.

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