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      渦凹型系列氣浮機,是由我公司在引進(jìn)美國技術(shù)的基礎上改進(jìn)設計而成的新污水處理設備,其設計公道,操縱利便、運行經(jīng)濟,它是由曝氣機產(chǎn)生微氣泡,直接從廢水中除去固體懸浮物。渦凹曝氣機將“微氣泡”直接注入污水中而不需要事提高前輩行溶氣,然后通過(guò)散氣葉輪把“微氣泡”平均的分布于污水中,所以整個(gè)運行過(guò)程不會(huì )發(fā)生梗阻現象,更不需要壓力溶氣、空壓機和輪回泵等設備。未經(jīng)處理的污水首提高前輩入加藥反應區,然后進(jìn)入曝氣區與微氣泡充分接觸,CAF渦凹氣浮機的特點(diǎn):微氣泡在上升的過(guò)程中將固體懸浮物浮到水面,刮渣機沿液面運行將懸浮物刮到傾斜45度斜板上,再將其推入污泥排放管槽,通過(guò)污泥排放管槽流入污泥收集區。污水凈化后在排放前會(huì )經(jīng)由斜板下方的溢流槽,溢流槽用來(lái)控制氣浮機的水位,確保槽中的液流入污泥排放管道,開(kāi)放的咽流管道從曝氣段沿著(zhù)氣浮槽的底部舒展。


Vortex concave type series air flotation machine, it is by our company on the basis of the introduction of American technology to improve the design of new sewage treatment equipment, won several national patents, its design is reasonable, manipulate it, run the economy, it is made of micro air bubble aerator, directly to remove suspended solids from the wastewater. Eddy concave aerator will "micro bubbles" directly into the sewage in line and don't need to improve predecessors dissolved air, and then through the perforated impeller average distribution of the micro "bubble" in sewage, so the whole operation process does not happen obstruction phenomenon, more do not need to pressure dissolved air pump equipment, air compressor and rebirth. First improve the predecessors of raw sewage into the dosing reaction zone, and then into the aeration zone and good contact with micro bubbles, CAF vortex concave air floating machine features: the micro air bubble is on the rise in the process of suspended solids float to the surface of slag scraper run along the liquid surface will be suspended to tilt 45 degrees of inclined plate, and then pushes it into the sludge discharge pipe groove, through the sludge discharge pipe groove into the sludge collection area. Sewage purification before emissions will through the inclined plate at the bottom of the overflow groove, the overflow tank is used to control water of air flotation machine, ensure the liquid tank into the sludge discharge pipe, open throat flow pipe from the aeration period of stretch across the bottom of the air floatation tank.

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