

當前位置: 首頁(yè) > 氣浮機設備在養殖業(yè)中的應用




      我們是這樣的分析我們當前的養殖業(yè)的發(fā)展,收到了我們的經(jīng)濟以及社會(huì )提高的需求,我們對于養養殖業(yè)的發(fā)展起到了良多的促進(jìn)的作用,我們的餐桌上已不僅僅是青菜當家,現在我們對于家禽類(lèi)的需求不斷地增張,并且我們海內的山東地區的屠宰業(yè)的發(fā)展也是優(yōu)于海內的養殖業(yè)的市場(chǎng),我們每年的家禽的出口占到了海內的很大的份額,主要的國際集中在日本以及韓國,以及美國的市場(chǎng),但是我們以前對于屠宰廢水的熟悉也是極為的不足,良多的養殖場(chǎng)的廢水以及殺雞,殺鴨的廢水沒(méi)有得到根本的管理,沒(méi)有污水處理設備的廠(chǎng)家數不勝數,即使有氣浮機以及壓濾機設備的廠(chǎng)家在使用這些設備中也長(cháng)短常的不到位,這里所說(shuō)的不到為主要是把這些污水處理設備作為,我們的環(huán)保的樣板來(lái)看沒(méi)有得到使用中,為了給環(huán)保部門(mén)看,這種狀況也是很普遍。


Because of our exports of poultry industry continues to increase, our aquaculture wastewater in uninterrupted growth, this is give our NaLiuHe and internal flow pressure of lakes, it is conceivable, so the use of air floatation machine equipment, and how to implement those contains the a lot of sewage, is whether we can do bigger and stronger aquaculture do big hub.
Focus on our slaughter wastewater management, recently we have of collecting waste management from our city sewage management transition, we slaughter wastewater management, how to manage well our existing slaughter wastewater management is an event in our mind.
We are such an analysis of our current development of aquaculture, received the needs of our economy and society to improve, we have played a greatly promote role in the development of aquaculture, is not only a green vegetables take charge of our table, now we demand for poultry is constantly increasing, and we need the shandong region of the slaughtering of map of aquaculture is also leading the development of the market, we poultry exports accounted for more than a year of collecting a large share of major international concentrated in Japan and South Korea, and the market of the United States, but we are more familiar with slaughter wastewater before is extremely insufficient, waste a lot of farms and kill chickens, kill ducks waste water didn't get the fundamental management, there is no sewage treatment equipment manufacturers, even angry floating machine and filter press equipment manufacturers in the use of these devices are also often do not reach the designated position, length here less than as if the sewage treatment equipment, mainly to see the example of our environmental protection are not in use, in order to show the environmental protection department, this situation is also very common.

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